What is an integrated fridge freezer?

Integrated fridge freezers are the perfect solution for those who want to make the most of their kitchen space. The appliance combines a fridge and a freezer in one unit, so you don't have to worry about making room for both appliances. From saving valuable kitchen space, to having an appliance that easily matches the interior of your kitchen, the benefits of purchasing an integrated fridge freezers are plentiful. To help you understand more about this type of appliance, we’ve pulled together this helpful guide that answers the most commonly asked questions about integrated fridge freezers.

What is an integrated fridge freezer

An integrated fridge freezer combines both a refrigerator and a freezer into one unit. Unlike standalone fridges and freezers, an integrated fridge freezer is built into the kitchen cabinetry and has a custom panel or door fitted to match your kitchen décor. Opting for an integrated fridge freezer can help to create a seamless and cohesive look to your kitchen, whilst also providing the practicality of a fridge and freezer in one appliance.

At Beko, our integrated fridge freezers come in a variety of sizes and styles, including 70:30, 50:50, and under-counter models. Whether you're looking for a compact model for a small kitchen or a larger appliance for a busy family, we've got you covered. With features like frost-free technology and adjustable shelves, our integrated fridge freezers are designed to make your life easier and more convenient.

What is a 70:30 integrated fridge freezer?

70:30 integrated fridge freezer

A 70:30 integrated fridge freezer has a larger fridge space compared to the freezer, making it ideal for those who store more fresh food. With 70% fridge space and 30% freezer space, these appliances provide more than enough room to store your perishable and frozen goods. Whilst the larger fridge compartment is perfect for storing fresh produce and leftovers, the freezer section provides ample space for batch-cooked meals and ice cream.

What is a 50:50 integrated fridge freezer?

50:50 integrated fridge freezer

Perfect for those that like to store a similar amount of fresh and frozen food, a 50:50 integrated fridge freezer offers plenty of shelf space to organise your weekly shop. With equal space allocated to refrigeration and freezing, you’ll have the freedom to store a wide variety of items, from fresh fruits and vegetables to frozen meats and ice cream, without worrying about running out of space.

What is an under-counter fridge freezer?

under-counter fridge freezer

Designed to fit under a kitchen counter, an under counter fridge freezer is the perfect choice for homes where space is at a premium. These models are a compact size, offering a combination of both refrigeration and freezing storage in one small appliance. Located at the top of the product, the freezer compartment is generally smaller than a standalone freezer. Whilst this section is small, there’s more than enough space to store a small selection of frozen goods such as ice cream, frozen vegetables, or meat.

What are the benefits of an integrated fridge freezer?

Designed to blend seamlessly into kitchen cabinetry, integrated fridge freezers are perfect for those looking to create a streamlined and cohesive kitchen design. This integration not only looks great, but it also saves space, allowing you to fully utilise the space available in your kitchen. Integrated fridge freezers also come with a range of benefits that make them a must-have for any household. Featuring a host of innovative features, such as our HarvestFresh™ technology, which preserves vitamins in your fruit and veg for longer, our integrated fridge freezers are designed to save you time. With a range of sizes and configurations on offer, you’re sure to find the perfect integrated fridge freezer within the Beko range.

Who are integrated fridge freezers for?

Integrated fridge freezers are perfect for those looking to create a seamless, streamlined appearance in their kitchen. By installing these appliances behind a cupboard door, homeowners can create a cohesive décor, blending their appliance in seamlessly with the rest of the kitchen design. Integrated fridge freezers are also ideal for those who prefer a minimalist aesthetic, as they eliminate the visual clutter of freestanding appliances. Those with small kitchens or open-plan living spaces may also choose to purchase an integrated fridge freezer as the appliance can be tucked away neatly, optimising space, and creating a clean and uncluttered environment.

Now that you have all the information you need to know about integrated fridge freezers, why not browse through our collection of integrated fridge freezers? For added peace of mind, selected models within our integrated range come with a 10-year parts and labour guarantee. Equally, all Beko built-in appliances also come with a 2-year guarantee if registered within 90 days of purchase. For more information, please read our detailed fridge freezer buying guide.

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